
Muslims for Life

Singapore: Charity Blood Drive Organised by Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

One week ago, members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community had distributed the flyers at the road sides to promote and bring awareness to this humanitarian campaign.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | Int’l Desk
Source/Credit: AMJ Singapore
By Tin Maung Htwe | May 6, 2014

On Sunday 4th May, Joo Chiat, the eastern part of Singapore, became the focus of attention for many local community members as they converged at Masjid Taha on Onan Road with a single purpose – To Give Blood.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community partnered with the Red Cross in its latest successful Blood Donation Drive in the local community.

Pastors, parish members from local churches, Hindus from local temples, Muslims living in the surrounding area as well as other members of the local community all came together for this single good cause.

A local Member of Parliament too attended the event to give support. In addition to the blood donation, Masjid Taha provided free food and drinks, a flea market and children’s activities. Mr. Abdul Aziz, President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission in Singapore said “Today, we are proud, our small community has donated enough blood to potentially save an additional 150 lives in Singapore, and this is a great result”.

One week ago, members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community had distributed the flyers at the road sides to promote and bring awareness to this humanitarian campaign. As a result of the tireless work, we collected 50 pints of blood from 50 donors out of 87 applications – thereby potentially saving 150 lives.

As in need of action, not speeches to link the image of a human with love, life and liberty, about 150 people from diverse religious communities turned up for this campaign and showed their patriotism alongside a banner erected at the Masjid Taha which reads the saying of the Prophet Muhammad – “Love of Country is part of faith”.

There should be no doubt that like other communities, Ahmadiyya Muslims are loyal peaceful citizens who raise the slogans of “Love for all, hatred for none” and now they are awaiting for serving the community again by giving lives.

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